Hello, guys!
I wanted to do something for the New Years' Eve to show my gratitude towards the many people that support me in my life.
I want to thank my family, especially my mother and sister, for always being there for me and supporting me. I wouldn't be here without them. They helped me when I was at my lowest and I'm forever indebted to them.
I want to thank my family's many friends, who supported and helped us in difficult times.
And lastly, I want to thank each one of my followers for your support here on Newgrounds:
- SkytricR
- Healmore6969
- yourstrulyTV11
- ZaazNG
- UmbreonMario
- JustinSketchesYT
- DJLomka
- GhostWanderer117
- X-ManOfficial
- Colizza
- TheSquirrellyWraith
- RavioliBox
- Pommisc
- OftenUser
- DesertFOX135
- Godeta
- NevaZ0r
- PotAToastN
- elbarto66
- AnonDaveClock
- Jokiser
- HU-C2680
- Tuxedoidiot
- MajesticTraitre
- BeepBoxClock
- sara24wpl
- Michael-13
- xSMOTH3x
- poopypeter
- Asskick247
- orbitz
- SolidAirgasm
- Nemira
- Underdragion
- Lawalker1123
- akizi
- DJ-Halit
- TenaTheArtist
- kxmemes
- Picolove69
- TheGarbager619
- Zellas
- TealTheArtist
- SilentCorruption
- Polarzin99
- Artloveinghero
- GorudenZero
- Poblam
- Psilenth
- Ayrayethlx
- SugarSimon
- Quarl
- VibrantMan
- Codefreq
- XenderGamer
- BizarreDistance
- TomFulp
- Artzom-b
- kadepow11
- Everratic
- trevor8
- followino
- mrMarkGaruda
- OrionGD
- TSRBand
- Troisnyx
- Nue22
- Albe
- ponyhafnium
- Siberg
- TheSilentAngryCat
- Zhargalanzhab
- XavierDalton
- ConnorDeVaux
- TChosenTwice
- Lokidios
- GundorSound
- Nevsus
- StarmanBlue
- Remi-le-Oduen
- Aterr
- Marckel
- SiilverHD
- XmanAxelPro55X
- RealMrSnuggles
- catloverman
- DJ-AfterBurnz
- RafiMuzakiSaputra07
- G2961
- Generalfishsalad
- Yosos
- BrenthEMan
- Interestincident938
- KermPlay
- Unimportance
- Phronemophobia
- cacodayum
- SkylineOfficial
- baphylamb
- CatGuard
- PixxlMan
- Charmiclle
- Eliottissoc00l
- Samdarkside
- TheMiwes
- totogruningsalazar
- JohnathonDistasio
- 007mitchellq
- raphaelcarrard
- DaOi
- nukinukinukiki
- Starsfordia
- elweyquecomenta
- SkilledFella
- VegaSlash
- Finasty
- Creeperforce24
- Xnothsis
- Charlmot
- Tyhond
- Latadenata
- Hachinokaby
- YuchenWei
- Surn
- Alenicia
- rafimuzakisaputr1
- Shyguy128
- Hexamak
- Kaitor
- rafimuzakisaputr1
- PoultrygeistGame
- bisteca2007
- Skull290366
- GuitARBEn
- FatAsparagus
- shadow98113
- octopus58
- Milahfbcd
- dizzyhoshi
- JohnyVincent
- Froggypondvideos
- NisaRy
- Mejson
- ClubbinMusic
- TheDragonCave
- Nyamimi
- TheMiamiDeSantos
- MaiSanityIsNoMore
- CIEIRMusic
- VicariousE
- DaniGrouds
- Horsenwelles
- Wordhard
- WarmBreeze
- novajhon
- giulia266eyes
- NitroOrient
- plaintrace
- Dieswyx
- KokoroHatsaru
- Dawid8
- technomantics
- BottleTopBillFanclub
- T3n4Turr0n
- zigan
- TheVodouQueen
- Force64
- Aaronshy
- vonschloss
- Wimbinop897
- Saminat
- dianebrooks
- The-Infinite-Mind
- Jeanioz
- mtv129
- Playactionzoid65
- Blazpyd
- HeadsetDude
- Xehurw
- AcidPhosphorus
- 1rach5
And without further ado...
Happy New Year! May the year 2025 be an awesomely good year for each of you!