Congradu... congratal... congen... err... EXCELLENT work on twenty levels of voting, praise, and helpful criti-muh-cisms for other creators here on Newgrounds, Teo! It takes a surprisingly long time to level up on this site and praise for putting in that amount of time is most definitely praiseworthy.
Good luck with the game jam, too, especially if you're limited to one finger on a phone. I struggle enough with using a mouse on my non-dominant hand. I wouldn't want to make it even more difficult with the added challenge of trying to create an entire game like that.
I just noticed the commission page! If I come up with an idea for a song, I'll certainly request one though I tend to leave my requests vague to maximize a creator's time and freedom, but I've discovered that can make it even more difficult for some musicians to focus on an idea.
XP caps out at 5 votes per day. Unless Tom announces an XP event to encourage more voting.
Otherwise, thank you for your service.